On Friday 13 October 2017, a meeting was held between the Chief of Police, Mr. Zacharia Chysostomou and Mr. Costas Daltas member of the Organising Committee of the 1st Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon.
The meeting concerned the cooperation of the Cyprus Police with the 1st Radisson Blu International Larnaka Marathon. They have discussed about the successful and safe conduct of the biggest sporting event of the year. Fortunately, Mr. Zacharias Chrysostomou had responded positively from the first moment to the 1st Radisson Blu International Larnaka Marathon taking it under his auspices and support by contributing himself to the Organising Committee.
The 1st Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon takes place on Sunday 19 November 2017 and includes the Marathon race (42,195 km),Half-marathon road race (21,095 km), 10 km, 5 km – corporate, 5km- individual, 1 km McDonald’s ™ Kids Race and 1 km the FunRace for adults.
It is under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, the Ministry of Health, the Volunteer Commissioner and Non – Governmental Organizations and the Commissioner for the Environment, Cyprus Police, Civil Defense, Cyprus Sport Organization (CSO) and the Youth Organization.
For more information and subscriptions visit the official website: https://larnakamarathon.com/ tel: +357 70000183 | email: [email protected] | www.larnakamarathon.com