







07:00 am


Over 18 y.o. for 42KM

Marathon: 42,195 meters that will provide intense moments of emotion to the courageous runners who will run it. A path that in addition to the beautiful nature that characterizes it, is an ideal match for breaking records and outstanding performances.


  • Limited edition, high-quality technical t-shirt
  • Unique, artistically designed race completion medal
  • Backpack with event logo
  • Electronic timing chip for personal tracking
  • Provision of isotonic beverages – juices at supply stations
  • Pace team for 3h45m, 4h00m, 4h15m, 4h30m, 5h00m
  • Full health coverage, free of charge
  • Electronic participation diploma, complete with name and performance time


The new race route of the Radisson Blu International Larnaka Marathon is flat and fast, passing by the main landmarks of the city of Larnaka. The perfect setting for runners to reach and break their PBs!

The start line of the Marathon race is located at Foinikoudes, in front of the Town Hall of Larnaka. From the start line, the runners will head east and at the end of Foinikoudes, turn right and continue their way reaching the Nautical Club of Larnaka, where the first turning point of the race is located.

The runners will then head west towards the city centre of Larnaka, through Makariou Avenue and across Zinonos Kitieos, passing from the picturesque city center and the historic church of St. Lazarus.

After reaching St. Lazarus church, the runners will pass through the Turkish Cypriot neighbourhood and end up at Piale Pasa, one of the most scenic coastal avenues of Larnaka. The runners will then turn left and run through Athenon avenue and continue their journey until the Nautical Club of Larnaka, where they will reach the second turning point of the race. The runners will then head west following the same direction to the city centre of Larnaka until the reach Piale Pasa avenue, where they will turn right.  The runners will head west across to Artemidos avenue and continue their way across the famous Salt Lake of Larnaka, until they reach the mosque of Hala Sultan Teke, where the third turning point of the race is located.

The runners will then head towards the roundabout of Larnaka Airport until they reach the final turning point of the race. The runners will then head east and return to the coastal avenue of Piale Pasa, pass by the Medieval castle of the city and finish the race at Foinikoudes, right in front of the Larnaka Town Hall.


The race route features water stations every 2.5-3 km which provide mineral water, electrolytes, soft drinks, fruits and medics.

At the finish line the runners will also receive mineral water, electrolytes, fruits, and their finisher medal.



Runners are encouraged to be at the Starting Line 1 hour before the start time.


Avoid strenuous workout and rest early. Prepare the previous day all necessary things for your participation. Dinner of the eve day should be light and proportionally rich in carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes). Do not forget your hydration, especially if on race day forecast gives high temperature for the season. Avoid alcohol.


Before you get started.


Make sure you have with you:

  • Number of Participation and nannies (Bib Tag Timing System)
  • The Backpack of the Organization with your dry clothes, with your participation paper number stuck on it.


Do not run if you feel unwell, even if it is something you want very much and you prepare for it. Most medical incidents occur in athletes who, although not feel well, participate properly because they do not want to lose this sporting event. If you feel that you have a fever, if you are vomiting, diarrhea or if you have chest pain, please do not take part in the race. THERE IS RISK FOR YOUR HEALTH.


  • Dressed with appropriate clothing depending on the weather.
  • Wear shoes that you re-run, and you know that will not cause you blisters.
  • Eat few hours before the starting time, very gently, avoiding fats.
  • Start early for the starting area and avoid anything that could cause you stress.
  • Start the race well hydrated. Up to half an hour before the race you can drink 250ml water.


You need regular hydration and adequate supply if the charge during the race is very long. Drink regularly, but do not overdo it. Prefer drinks that you have already tried. Prefer fluids and viscous formulations that are digested easily by the body.


Run slowly, particularly if the level of your preparation for the race that you run it was not satisfactory. Follow this advice and the most likely to meet the requirements without need some medical attention. Doctors and volunteers will be on route of the race and will cover health fight. If you leave the race, head to the nearest station with a doctor. Keep these tips and you should have as a guide before and during the Marathon Race.


When you stop run, do not stand still. Keep walking, especially when you feel dizzy and drink enough fluids to replenish those lost during the race (especially those who finished the marathon). Go to the place that will pick up your stuff as quickly as possible, take your backpack and put on dry and warm clothing. Then be sure to drink something, but slowly, and eat, always at the same pace. After the finish do not drink large amounts of water. You can gradually hydrate over the next 24-48 hours. Some athletes feel that you still faint and half hours after the race, because they do not drink enough fluids, or not eating well. But again do not drink excessively. If, for whatever reason, feel weakness, dizziness, inability to move, look immediately medical personnel.


We wish you Good Luck!

