Meet Phil, a seasoned pacer who has led an incredible 155 races! When he’s not running, he enjoys his favorite treat, dark chocolate. Not just a runner, he’s also known for teaching Hollywood star Andrew Lincoln how to drive.
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Meet Dzmitry, a dedicated runner, who has been running for two decades, but running for him is a blend of love and hate. Notably, he conquered an ultra trail before mastering the classic marathon. His special skill? Eating with gusto.
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Meet Daniel, an active pacer who has guided over 50 races! He conquered the London and Chicago marathons last year, but here’s the secret to his luck: a cuddly teddy named Monster, gifted by his kids.
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Meet Paul, a committed pacer with over 104 races completed. Despite not liking cycling, he’s dedicated to joining Ironman events annually. If he were an animal, he’d undoubtedly be a wolf, running alongside his pack.
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Meet Scott, a seasoned racer, celebrating success in 20+ races, each time powered by his beloved wife awaiting him at the finish line. The epitome of laidback, he finds solace in the guilty pleasure of relishing fast food.
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